Pahls Family Dentistry
Health & Wellness
Monday through Thursday 8am-5pm
Driving Directions:
Turn onto Central Blvd from Hyw 42, street that is between Figago's Pizza and The Broiler Restaurant. After second stop sign you will pass 3rd street. First driveway on right. Brown building.
About Us
Call (541) 396-2242 or stop by to begin your journey to optimal oral health. Dr. Brent Pahls and Dr. Herman Pahls offer family dentistry for patients of all ages. We serve the south coast of Oregon and even have patients that choose to come see us from Alaska and Hawaii. We look forward to giving you something to smile about.
- Gentle, efficient, and modern dental techniques
- Caring, highly trained professionals
- Online Appointment Request

Pahls Family Dentistry Team

Dr. Brent Pahls

Dr. Herman Pahls