Oregon Overseas Timber Company
Construction & Building MaintenanceHome, Farm & GardenManufacturing & Distribution
Monday - Friday 8 am till 5 pm
Driving Directions:
87680 Kehl Lane (next to Bandon Airport) is 2 miles South of Bandon, just off Hwy 101.
About Us
OOT sawmill specializes in sawing and remanufacturing of Douglas Fir Clears.
Our retail division carries rough full sawn construction lumber + timbers, trim, molding, flooring and Douglas Fir bark.
Video Media

OOT's rough full sawn 2x6

Douglas Fir rough full sawn 1x6

Douglas Fir 1x6

Douglas Fir 1x4

Douglas Fir Gazebo made with our structural timbers

Douglas Fir beams used for wood frame house

Doug Fir 12 x 18

Doug Fir 12 x 18

Douglas Fir compression / curly wood

Guitar made of our Douglas Fir fine grain clears

Doug Fir casing around round window

Doug Fir 36

Doug Fir Select Tight Knot Flooring
Kitchen made with our Doug Fir Clears
Doug Fir exposed structural timbers
Doug Fir Dimension and Ceiling stock for a local sheering barn
Doug Fir Rough Full Sawn Dimension inside a local sheering barn

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