Bandon Dunes Charitable Foundation
Agriculture & Natural ResourcesChurches & Service Organizations
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About Us
Bandon Dunes Charitable Foundation is a grant making organization committed to supporting communities along the South Coast of Oregon. As a philanthropic arm of Bandon Dunes Golf Resort, Bandon Dunes Charitable Foundation utilizes the proceeds from the resort’s 5th golf course, Bandon Preserve, a ‘Course with a Mission’, to award grants that promote a region where healthy ecosystems drive a vibrant economy. We look for opportunities on the South Coast of Oregon to foster community collaboration that drive economic opportunities in a way that preserves and respects the health and integrity of the region’s natural resources and local community values.
- Grants
- Strengthen economic stability, community assets, and the environment
- Support economic development and ecological enhancement
- Forge partnerships, strengthen capacity, and assist in securing greater resources for local organizations

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